Aanpak Ring Zuid – Tree removals begin soon at the Juliana pond

The 8 plus monumental trees that are to be removed for the Aanpak Ring Zuid project near the Juliana pond and Papiermolen area will begin soon. The municipality has agreed to some compensation and also committed itself towards planting some trees across the pond. However the compensation model severely underestimates the necessary trees and wood volume to actually compensate for such an ecological loss, not to mention the unlikelihood of finding a solution for the soon to be missing foraging and flying routes of local bats. Here is what we estimated in terms of the current compensation model:

Total loss on the south-west and north side in relation to canopy volume (Totaal verlies Zuidwest en Noord aan kroonvolume met 1/3 schietwilg weg): 1220 m3

Total compensation on the southwest and north side (Totale compensatie Zuidwest en Noord): ca 700 m3