The Value of Trees: Sustainable Landscapes Lecture and Research Seminar (Online event – May 19, 2020)

You are invited to an online lecture and discussion (in English) with Dirk Voets of Cobra Groen on May 19th at 16:00.

Nederlandse: Jullie zijn bij deze uitgenodigd voor een online lezing en discussie met Dirk Voets van Cobra Groen op 19 Mei om 16:00. Hij zal spreken over de digitale boommetingsonderzoekmethode van Cobra Groen. Deze lezing en discussie zal in het Engels gegeven worden. Het is een samenwerkingsverband met de Sustainable Landscapes groep van de Rijksuniversiteit. Als je mee wilt doen kan je je registreren bij Hier is een beschrijving van de online lezing:

The Value of Urban Trees: Sustainable Landscapes Lecture and Research Seminar (Online event!)

Date: May 19, 16-17:45, 2020
Where: googlehangouts
With: Dirk Voets of Cobra Groen

Urban living has become the main human habitat. Yet in cities a healthy tree cover percentage is a sign of a sustainable urban landscape. It helps sustain clean air, provides water filtration, reduces pollution, aids in cooling heat islands, sustains biodiversity and increases the aesthetic beauty of urban neighborhoods. But how much healthy tree cover is maintained in various Dutch cities?

On May 19, 16.00-17.45, tree cover researcher Dirk Voets of Cobra Groen will speak about his innovative method of mapping trees and how this research is used by decision makers to access the value of urban trees. After this lecture, there will be an open discussion about this method and research from 17:00 to 17:45.

The ‘inventory’ method of Cobra Groen is especially innovative in that they use a combination of aerial images and data sampling with programs such as Google Earth to measure tree cover. Recently they’ve conducted this research in Groningen and elsewhere. Here is a recent article that describes this.

There are other similar models such as iTreeTools but that has not yet been adapted widely in the Netherlands. Cobra Groen is one of the first to implement this software and Dirk Voets will talk about how they do their research and the implications it has for tree policy in the province or elsewhere in NL.

Sustainable Landscapes fellows are especially invited to discuss with Dirk his research methods and to explore whether and how we could cooperate.

Registering: If you would like to join, please send an email to and she will invite you to this google “hangout” lecture and seminar.