Jan. 2, 2020
Commercial residential corporations in Groningen such as Nijestee in Groningen often remove larger trees because they can be more expensive to maintain. In recent years, we have received dozens of reports of Nijestee improperly trimming or removing healthy trees within the premises of their rental buildings. Recently Nijestee requested the felling of these three black pine trees in Helpman in Groningen. Local residents have objected to these fellings.
It is not only the municipality which must do better to protect mature trees, which are 70 to 100 more valuable than newly planted trees in terms of ecosystem services, but commercial businesses have a role to play as well. Commercial trees can comprise some 30% of the total urban forest and therefor they deserve protection and quality care.
Everyone has to do their part to help Groningen mitigate against the climate emergency and also preserve local biodiversity for a truly sustainable city.
#Nijestee #gemeentegroningen #kappenmetkappen #urbanforestry